Have you ever woken up after a long hike and thought to yourself, “I’m not getting out of bed today.” I knew that was going to happen after hiking Blue Lakes, so we had to figure out what we could do instead. Adam and I decided to splurge on not one, but TWO Jeep tours. It was our first time in the Ouray area, and before we left, everyone kept telling us that it is the most beautiful part of Colorado. We knew we couldn’t hike it all, so we needed a vehicle to get us to the top of some mountain passes instead.

We’ve always laughed at people taking jeep tours up roads outside of Colorado Springs because they never made sense to us. Why take a Jeep tour into the mountains? So when I crawled into our open-air, nine-passenger 4x4, I felt a little silly. However, as we started up Road 20A, I changed my tune.

The road was so curvy, rocky, and bumpy, but it was evident that our jeep guide was a pro. The way he drove the roads was quite impressive and was surprisingly smooth (despite a few hard hits as we drove over rocks). At one stop, we were chatting with the other couple on our tour, and we mentioned we were originally from Iowa. The guide walked over and said, “Are you guys Iowawegians?” Turns out, he was from Cedar Falls, Iowa. As we climbed back into the Jeep, I said to Adam, “He looks like he’s from Cedar Falls.” He laughed and said he was thinking the same thing. Iowans definitely love Iowans.

I kept looking at Adam on the drive and saying, “This is so much easier than hiking!” It was crazy to me to see an alpine, mountainous landscape from a vehicle instead of on foot. That might sound silly, but it was my first 4x4 ride. I now understand why people go “jeeping.”

On the drive back down, we stopped in Ironton, a ghost town near Ouray and Silverton.

After we were dropped off at the tour company in Ouray, we walked around the town. There were many historic, frontier buildings that I photographed beyond these two.
I started to get hangry, so we grabbed lunch at Ouray Brewing. Our friend said it had the best view of the mountains in town, and she was not wrong! We were so tired that we sat there for some time after eating to just enjoy the view (and the shade). We did go to Cascade Falls and Box Canyon Falls, but I was too lazy to take my tripod for long exposures. I instead used my phone for pictures and enjoyed the cool mist from both waterfalls.
We ended the evening at Amphitheater Campground where we had a campsite with an amazing view. As we ate dinner, we sat at the picnic table and watched the sun set over the mountains. It was definitely a day to remember.
If you missed a previous newsletter from this summer, here is a link to parts 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Oooo, Ouray and the mountains around it are one of my favorite places in the world! You’ve done it justice with your gorgeous photos!
Loved this one! The deer photo is unreal ✨